AI Roundup 5-may-2024 – Latest in Machine Learning, Neural Networks, and LLM Innovations!

TOP AI Trends

Machine Learning FLX is providing a range of courses to help individuals understand and excel in machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence. From Python to MATLAB to Java, there are options for all levels of learners. Explore the courses today!

  • Machine Learning FLX offers courses in Python, MATLAB, and Java for machine learning and data science
  • Courses cover topics like building models, hands-on experience, and getting started with machine learning
  • Ideal for data analysts, data scientists, and anyone interested in AI and data analytics
  • Visit the courses at the provided URLs to enhance your e-learning experience

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Top voices like Rohan Paul and Guanya Shi are discussing the game-changing potential of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as alternatives to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) for approximating nonlinear functions. KANs use spline functions as learnable activation functions, making networks sparser, more efficient, and more interpretable.

  • Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) are revolutionizing neural networks
  • KANs utilize spline functions as learnable activation functions for expressiveness
  • KANs offer a promising alternative to MLPs for approximating nonlinear functions
  • Top voices like Rohan Paul and Guanya Shi are discussing the potential impact of KANs

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Multiplatform.AI explores iterative refinement techniques enhancing reasoning proficiency in language models and investigates efficient strategies for fine-tuning parameters. LayerSkip is revolutionizing inference speed for large language models, while Cory Shain’s research delves into distributed sensitivity to syntax and semantics.

  • Multiplatform.AI discusses iterative refinement techniques and efficient strategies for fine-tuning parameters in language models
  • LayerSkip is speeding up inference for large language models
  • Cory Shain’s research focuses on distributed sensitivity to syntax and semantics in language networks
  • Top voices like Ronald van Loon and Machine Learning are engaging with the latest advancements in AI technology

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A new AI model named gpt2-chatbot, resembling OpenAI’s GPT-4, has been released without official documentation, causing speculation about its true origin. Top voices like Yann LeCun and Tanishq Mathew Abraham, Ph.D. are discussing its significance. You can try the gpt2-chatbot for free on but the response time is slow due to high demand.

  • New AI model ‘gpt2-chatbot’ sparks interest and speculation in the tech community
  • Resembles OpenAI’s GPT-4 in performance without official documentation
  • Top voices like Yann LeCun and Tanishq Mathew Abraham, Ph.D. discussing its significance
  • Free access to gpt2-chatbot available on, but response time is slow
  • High demand for gpt2-chatbot due to its mysterious origin and impressive performance

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Join Dreaming Tulpa’s free, once-weekly e-mail round-up of AI art news, artist interviews, and tools & resources. Subscribe to the newsletter with 3500+ subscribers at

  • Get the latest AI art news and interviews with artists in Dreaming Tulpa’s #aiartweekly newsletter
  • Join 3500+ subscribers to stay updated on the world of AI art
  • Explore useful tools and resources for AI art enthusiasts at

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The AI community is abuzz with the latest advancements, from Triton implementation of HyperAttention by Amin Karbasi to the release of a custom provider for Vercel AI SDK by Sergio Gรณmez. Victor M praises ZeroGPU for AI applications, while ๐‘จ๐’“๐’•๐’Š๐’‡๐’Š๐’„๐’Š๐’‚๐’ ๐‘ฎ๐’–๐’š hails the Zero GPU in Huggingface. Minho Park expresses gratitude to @AK for providing Zero-GPU to their team.

  • Amin Karbasi introduces Triton implementation of HyperAttention with jaw-dropping results on A10 and A100 GPUs.
  • Sergio Gรณmez releases a custom provider for Vercel AI SDK for chat/completion using RTX 4060Ti for inference.
  • Victor M highlights the benefits of ZeroGPU for AI applications, offering concrete apps for immediate use.
  • ๐‘จ๐’“๐’•๐’Š๐’‡๐’Š๐’„๐’Š๐’‚๐’ ๐‘ฎ๐’–๐’š praises the ZeroGPU in Huggingface for quick testing of good models without installation.
  • Minho Park thanks @AK for providing Zero-GPU to their team for model exploration.

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Machine Learning FLX offers a wide range of courses on mathematics, PCA, data science, and applied machine learning. Learn from top voices in the industry and enhance your skills in AI and data analytics. Check out the courses now!

  • Explore various machine learning courses offered by Machine Learning FLX
  • Improve your skills in mathematics, PCA, data science, and applied machine learning
  • Learn from top voices in the industry and stay updated on the latest trends in AI and data analytics
  • Enhance your knowledge with e-learning courses and boost your career in machine learning

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Top AI voices like Junyang Lin, Rose, Dan, Sara Hooker, and Andrew Drozdov share updates and exciting news ahead of #ICLR2024. Junyang Lin’s CodeAct accepted to #ICML2024, Dan introduces new AI server Terry, Rose interviews scholars for diversity in AI, and Andrew Drozdov talks about RAG lightning talk and AI research meetups.

  • Junyang Lin’s CodeAct accepted to #ICML2024 and will be presenting at #ICLR2024
  • Rose is interviewing scholars for diversity in AI, encouraging participation through a Google form
  • Dan introduces his new AI server Terry in a YouTube video
  • Sara Hooker curious about the new tone on the ICLR Twitter account for #ICLR2024
  • Andrew Drozdov to give a lightning talk about RAG and invites participation in AI research meetups by @DbrxMosaicAI

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Experts like Bindu Reddy, Anton, and Jiawei Liu are discussing the impact of extending context length on Llama-3 models. Anton recommends using dynamic rope scaling for improved performance. Jiawei Liu introduces RepoQA for evaluating models’ repository understanding.

  • Bindu Reddy announces Llama-3-Giraffe-70B Instruct with 128k context length
  • Anton shares tips on optimizing Llama-3 model responses by adding context at the top
  • Rohan Paul explores extending Llama-3’s context ten-fold with GPT-4
  • Jiawei Liu adds claude-3 models and introduces RepoQA for LLMs’ repository understanding

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Multiplatform.AI showcases Nexa AI’s Octopus v4, transforming AI integration with functional tokens, and XTuner redefining model optimization for enterprise success. Read more about these cutting-edge solutions at the provided URLs #AI #artificialintelligence #EnterpriseNeeds #Efficiency #graphdata #modeloptimization

  • Nexa AI unveils Octopus v4: AI integration with functional tokens
  • XTuner redefines model optimization for enterprise success
  • Revolutionizing professional workflow with Inthority’s email-based tracking solution
  • TigerGraph presents CoPilot 4.0 enhancing business insights with graph AI

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Top voices in the AI space such as Bindu Reddy and Sasha Rush are touting English as the new programming language, emphasizing the rise of AI agents. MemGPT introduces a new tool for building personal agents with long-term memory, while Ethan Mollick discusses the potential of analysis agents. The AI for Code space is buzzing with creative energy and tangible progress.

  • Top voices like Bindu Reddy and Sasha Rush advocate for AI agents as the future of programming
  • MemGPT introduces a new tool for building personal agents with long-term memory
  • Ethan Mollick sees potential for analysis agents in the AI space
  • Hacker energy and creativity abound in the AI for Code space

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Top voices in AI research, including MMitchell and Ethan Mollick, discuss the impressive abilities of LLMs in generating original content and the limitations they face in historical accuracy. Exciting news from Laura Ruis about a study on the impact of debating with more knowledgeable models on truthful answers, presented at ICML in Vienna.

  • LLMs show potential in creating original content with large context windows and multimodal abilities
  • Claude 3’s miss highlights LLMs’ limitations in historical accuracy
  • Debate with knowledgeable models enhances less knowledgeable models’ truthfulness in answering questions

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Top voices in machine learning, including Nina Miolane and Michael Bronstein, announce exciting developments for ICML 2024. Topics include Topological Deep Learning, neuron labeling, Maximum Inner Product Search, and Cooperative GNNs. Join the discussion and collaboration at the upcoming conference in Vienna. Visit for more information.

  • Topological Deep Learning Challenge at ICML’24 focuses on processing data on topological domains like simplicial complexes and hypergraphs
  • Neuron labeling and operationalizing hypotheses as code are promising directions in ML, as discussed by Jacob Andreas
  • Faster Maximum Inner Product Search in High Dimensions paper accepted to ICML 2024, accelerating state-of-the-art for MIPS problem by Mo Tiwari
  • Cooperative GNNs paper accepted to ICML’24, introducing a new approach where nodes can choose to ‘listen’, ‘broadcast’, ‘listen&broadcast’, or ‘isolate’ by Michael Bronstein
  • Peyman Milanfar discusses interest in training denoisers without ground truth in the ML community, highlighting methods like #noise2noise and #noise2void

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Multiple news publishers including Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News, and more have filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright violations. This is the latest in a series of legal battles faced by the tech giants. Get all the details from top voices like Windows Central and Nordic AI Artificial Intelligence Institute. #AI #copyrightinfringement #lawsuit #news #OpenAI #Microsoft

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Follow Archer, the AI tutor, as it guides students through challenging math problems like fractions, combinatorics, and algebra with ease. Learn how Archer helps students conquer equations and variables, banishing #MathFear along the way. Join the #EdTech revolution with Archer AI!

  • Archer AI tutor assists students in navigating fractions and combinatorics, and simplifying variables and equations
  • Students excel in solving algebra problems with Archer’s guidance, boosting their confidence in math
  • Archer helps students understand each step of the process, banishing #MathFear and enhancing #MathEd
  • Join the #EdTech revolution with Archer AI and witness stellar student achievements in math

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Top voices in AI like Rohan Paul, Alpay Ariyak, and Maxime Labonne are raving about the performance of LLama-3 70B model in the Open LLM Leaderboard. With innovative techniques like airllm and layered inference, the model outperforms others without model compression methods. AutoTrain finetuned llama3-70b and WizardLM-2 8x22B are also making waves with impressive results.

  • LLama-3 70B model excels on Open LLM Leaderboard without model compression techniques
  • Top AI experts praise the performance of AutoTrain finetuned llama3-70b and WizardLM-2 8x22B models
  • Layer-wise inference and innovative approaches contribute to the success of LLama-3 70B
  • Dynamic rope scaling boosts llama-3-8b performance, outperforming gpt-4 in longbook summarization

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Machine Learning FLX is offering a range of Google Cloud courses to enhance skills in data science and machine learning. From fundamentals to hands-on labs, these courses cover various aspects of applying machine learning to data.

  • Google Cloud courses by Machine Learning FLX for data science and machine learning skills
  • Range of courses available from fundamentals to hands-on labs
  • Learn to apply machine learning to data with Google Cloud
  • Enhance skills in AI and data analytics

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Discover the latest developments in AI with Meta’s Llama 3 model, now supported by Alibaba Cloud’s Model Studio and Hugging Face’s deployment options. Learn how developers can democratize access to AI tools and resources for the next wave of innovation.

  • Meta’s Llama 3 model gains support from Alibaba Cloud’s Model Studio and Hugging Face for AI development
  • Developers can now democratize access to AI tools and resources with Meta Llama
  • Explore deployment options for Llama 3 using vLLM on Hugging Face Inference Endpoints
  • Top voices including Towards Data Science and Multiplatform.AI discuss the impact of Meta’s Llama 3 model

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Explore a variety of DALLE prompts for abstract artwork, beautiful landscapes, animal views, Bible oil paintings, and classical postal stamps created by AIArtist MCLUCAS. Sell your prompts on AI4Prompts and unleash your creativity! #aiart #digitalart #generativeart @Ai4Prompts

  • New DALLE prompts by AIArtist MCLUCAS available on AI4Prompts for various art themes
  • Opportunity for AIArtists to showcase and sell their unique prompts
  • Explore AI-generated art prompts for different genres like landscapes, animals, and classical art
  • Unlock your creativity and create stunning digital art with AI technology

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Check out the latest prompts by SHANDRA on AI4Prompts including Introspection Compositions, Goods Stickers, Professional Figure Drawing Sketches, I See You Letters, and Boho Style Earth Day Stickers. Sell your own prompts on AI4Prompts now!

  • New Midjourney prompts by AIArtist SHANDRA on AI4Prompts
  • Explore Introspection Compositions, Goods Stickers, Professional Figure Drawing Sketches, I See You Letters, and Boho Style Earth Day Stickers
  • Opportunity for AIArtists to sell their own prompts on AI4Prompts

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Industry experts like Weights & Biases and Brigitte discuss the performance secrets of Meta’s Llama 3 at #FullyConnected2024 event. Meta’s GenAI Product Director, Joe Speez, shares insights on post-training techniques. Core open source maintainer, Art Zucker, talks about Llama 3 on France’s hottest tech show UnderscoreTalk. Updates on Llama 3 resources are praised by AI at Meta.

  • Meta’s Llama 3 performance secrets revealed at FullyConnected2024 event.
  • Weights & Biases and Brigitte discuss Llama 3 insights from industry experts.
  • GenAI Product Director, Joe Speez, shares post-training techniques for Llama 3.
  • Core open source maintainer, Art Zucker, talks about Llama 3 on UnderscoreTalk.
  • AI at Meta praises updated resources for Llama 3.

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machine learning updates


Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

AI art trends

Dreaming Tulpa

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